Yes, both BookWhen and MakePlans offer a Free Trial.
BookWhen is designed for Large Enterprises, Medium Business and Small Business.
MakePlans is designed for Large Enterprises, Medium Business and Small Business.
Pricing for BookWhen Starts at $12.50/Month when Billed Yearly whereas for MakePlans Starts at $9/Month.
Some top alternatives to BookWhen includes Appointy,, Cogsworth, Book Like A Boss, Scheduly, MakePlans,, bookitlive, ClickBook, Web-appointments,, BookingTimes and CatchApp Bookings.
Some top alternatives to MakePlans includes Appointy, Calendly, Cogsworth, OpusTime, Book Like A Boss, SnapAppointments, ClickBook, Odoo Appointments, Web-appointments, i-Scheduling for Appointments, and CatchApp Bookings.