You Need A Budget is the software that manages personal finance. It shows how much individuals should be spending every month to stay within the budget goals. With You Need A Budget, user can create budgets for three different categories of expenses: groceries, entertainment, and non-entertainment essentials, such as healthcare, utilities, and taxes. Business users will appreciate the suite of management tools which include automated bank transfers to transfer bank account balances to You Need A Budget.
Disclaimer: Pricing information for You Need A Budget is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .
YNAB, or You Need A Budget, has garnered high praise from users over the past 12 months, and it's easy to see why. The digital envelope system offered by YNAB has transformed the way individuals approach budgeting and managing their finances. By connecting seamlessly to bank accounts and credit cards, users gain a real-time insight into their spending habits, ...Read more
You Need A Budget pros and cons
YNAB provides a digital envelope system that helps users understand where their money is going, promoting better financial decisions.
Automatic importing of transactions from banks and credit cards simplifies tracking expenses and ensures users spend within their means.
Seamless transition between mobile app and desktop browser aids in convenient tracking and balancing of finances.
Helpful resources and videos assist users in understanding and utilizing the platform effectively.
Encourages simplicity in budgeting with user-friendly language and concepts, making money management easier.
Steep learning curve initially for setting up and understanding the platform, may require some time and effort to grasp fully.
Some aspects of the software are tricky to grasp, and newcomers might find the platform complex without sufficient support and resources.
User Review
Gabrielle N
5 out of 5
YNAB saved my finances
In the past I always made budgets but never tracked my money or follows the budget in the end. I always felt an envelope system would be better for my ...
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5 out of 5
Game-ify Your Budget
I love using YNAB! It has made my finances much more manageable and I feel like I always know where my money goes and where I can spend it. Thank you YNAB!
YNAB retiree
5 out of 5
YNAB has really helped me budget…
YNAB has really helped me budget better. This is important being retired and on a fixed income.
Stuck on something? We're here to help with all the questions and answers in one place.
You Need A Budget is a Personal Finance Software. You Need A Budget offers Multi-Currency, Reports, Budgeting, Expense Groups, Spend Tracker and many more functionalities.
Some top alternatives to You Need A Budget includes Simplifi, Mint, EveryDollar, Quicken and monse.
Yes, You Need A Budget provides API.
Yes, You Need A Budget provides mobile app.
You Need A Budget is located in Lehi, Utah
You Need A Budget offers Free Trial, Subscription pricing models
We don't have information regarding integrations of the You Need A Budget as of now.
The starting price is not disclosed by You Need A Budget. You can visit You Need A Budget pricing page to get the latest pricing.