Here's a list of the best alternatives for IndieSquare Wallet
No, IndieSquare Wallet doesn't provide API.
Yes, IndieSquare Wallet provides mobile app.
IndieSquare Wallet is located in Tokyo, Japan
IndieSquare Wallet offers Freemium pricing model
Empower your digital assets with IndieSquare Wallet.
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IndieSquare Wallet is the ultimate solution for managing digital tokens on the go. With its powerful Counterparty API, developers can easily create innovative token applications. This popular mobile wallet puts the strength of Counterparty right in your pocket, allowing you to securely store and transact with your tokens anywhere, anytime. Say goodbye to carrying around physical tokens and hello to a more efficient and convenient way of managing your digital assets. Make the most of the blockchain technology and take control of your tokens with IndieSquare Wallet.
Large Enterprises
Medium Business
Small Business
Mobile - Android
Mobile - iOS
Free Trial
Not available
IndieSquare Wallet Pricing
Offers free forever plan
Pricing Model
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Customer Service
Tokyo, Japan
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Here's a list of the best alternatives for IndieSquare Wallet
No, IndieSquare Wallet doesn't provide API.
Yes, IndieSquare Wallet provides mobile app.
IndieSquare Wallet is located in Tokyo, Japan
IndieSquare Wallet offers Freemium pricing model