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Codecov - Static Code Analysis Tools


Ship healthier codes with Codecov

(9 ratings)

Starts from $10/User/Month when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan

Overview of Codecov

What is Codecov ?

Codecov is a top-rated code coverage platform that enables users to deliver healthier code to over 1M developers in a secure environment. Trusted by 29000+ organizations, this platform ensures faster development cycles by providing actionable coverage insights. It supports all ... Read More

API available

Codecov Platforms

  • Browser Based (Cloud)

Codecov Customer Type

  • Large Enterprises
  • Medium Business
  • Small Business

Pricing of Codecov

Starts from $10 when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan

  • Freemium,
  • Open-source,
  • Subscription

Screenshot of the Codecov Pricing Page (Click on the image to visit Codecov 's Pricing page)

Disclaimer: Pricing information for Codecov is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .

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Codecov Images

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Codecov FAQs

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Yes, Codecov provides API.
No, Codecov doesn’t provide mobile app.
Codecov is located in San Francisco, California
Codecov offers Freemium, Open-source, Subscription pricing models
We don't have information regarding integrations of the Codecov as of now.

Codecov Support

Customer Service



San Francisco, California

Reach out to Codecov Social channels

Read More about Codecov

Codecov is a top-rated code coverage platform that enables users to deliver healthier code to over 1M developers in a secure environment. Trusted by 29000+ organizations, this platform ensures faster development cycles by providing actionable coverage insights. It supports all languages and CIs/CDs, allowing developers to upload their code coverage and receive a summary directly in their workflows. With status checks, pull requests can be blocked from merging, and live icon badges give a comprehensive view of project status. Additionally, features like report merging, flags, notifications, and more are available. Codecov helps users improve code quality and update tests quickly and effectively.

Disclaimer: This research has been collated from a variety of authoritative sources. We welcome your feedback at [email protected].

Researched by Rajat Gupta