List of Financial Data APIs features
Report generation allows you to extract all of the information you require from the database and show it online or export it in various formats. Report generation is the process of more
Trend indicators help to find out If there is a trend in the market and how it is moving. These indicators are called oscillators because they move in a wavelike pattern between high and more
Accounting management is a crucial aspect for any business, regardless of its size or industry. It involves managing and organizing financial data in order to track and monitor the more
Budgeting is a crucial aspect of financial management, and it involves the process of planning, organizing, and controlling financial resources in order to achieve financial goals. This more
Risk assessment is a crucial feature of software solutions designed to help organizations identify and mitigate potential risks. It involves the systematic evaluation of potential threats more
Cash flow forecasting is a crucial aspect of financial management for any business. It involves predicting the inflow and outflow of cash over a period of time, typically on a monthly or more