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Zimbra Desktop - Collaboration Software

Zimbra Desktop

Streamlined email management made easy.


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Zimbra Desktop Reviews & Ratings


Very Good

Based on 29 ratings & 30 reviews

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Very Good








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Rafael Coffi T


4.5 out of 5

"Zimbra Desktop - best free e-mail solution"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Zimbra Desktop is a free tool that presents a great alternative to paid solutions like Outlook. It offers all the common and standardized features of the main email tools: support for POP and IMAP, integration with Gmail, Hotmail.


Anonymous User


4.5 out of 5

"Hot E-Mail"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Zimbra is a super easy navigatable e-mail resource we use for internal e-mails. What do you dislike about Zimbra Desktop?


Anonymous User


4.5 out of 5

"Great tool to manage multiple email accounts "

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Since it's a cross-platform its easy to have access to all emails and calendars all together in one platform. Its offline functionality helps to still have access to email even if there is a network breakdown.


Demitri M


4.5 out of 5

"Should i use Zimbra?"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? In all honesty, i loved it. It had the complexity of gmail but the simpleness of aol mail. It had some very minor downfalls, i mean it was mostly about adding more space, which wasn't much difficult, but really, much of the emails were stored anyway, after a year or two, you can just print out the old material anyway! I would definitely recommend Zimbra, especially for a small/medium office environment. We used it for a staff of 150 or so.


abhilash g


4 out of 5

"Mailing application"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? The main bet thing I found is we can create rules in this, using this rules option we can move certain perticular comman mails to selected folder and it also provide notification feature this is the good one.


Anonymous User


4 out of 5

"Mest mailing app in the currebt market with lots of enabled features."

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Segregations of mails is easier and geting the Notifications reminder is quite good. Mainly to talk we integrate witg calender its has an ai enabled featurw like remindes for the meeting and searches for an appoinment and inbox is unified segregation and eae of acces is quite good creation of groups and rules is easeir and good security feature and its has an mobile application to.




4 out of 5

"Poderoso y maravillo la herramienta Zimbraa Desktop"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Zimbra es una aplicación de cliente de correo electrónico de código abierto y gratuita. La integración del entorno empresarial en el escritorio de Zimbra es potente: los correos, el calendario, las tareas y el maletín para el almacenamiento de documentos hacen que el ecosistema funcione bien. Múltiples cuentas y búsqueda poderosa, con vista previa en el programa de todos los archivos adjuntos facilitan el trabajo.


Elvira S


4 out of 5

"Zimbra Desktop."

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Lo que más me gusta de Zimbra es que se puede usar tanto en línea como fuera de línea, lo que permite el acceso a nuestros datos en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.


Ramon M


4 out of 5

"It is a very good tool that synchronizes emails and other utilities in the best possible way."

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? One of the best advantages is that it can be used both online and offline, which allows access to all the information at any time and place, as well as documents and other important utilities, also can be used in various systems operating as Windows and Linux are the most popular, its implementation is relatively simple and its use is very easy to handle as the interface adapts to the various users and needs within the organization.


Aleksandar D


3.5 out of 5

"Powerful mail client with few problems and without Zimlets support"

What do you like best about Zimbra Desktop? Business environment integration in Zimbra desktop is powerful: mails, calendar, task and briefcase for document storage makes good work ecosystem. Multiple accounts and powerful search, with in program preview of all attach files make work easy.