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Anonymous User
"Ziggma makes the entire investment experience considerably easier. It`s unique and powerful."
What do you like best about Ziggma? The portfolio tracking features are extremely helpful to keep track and make better decisions at the portfolio level. What do you dislike about Ziggma? I would have liked to see a larger geographic coverage rather than being limited to the US market. What problems is Ziggma solving and how is that benefiting you? Portfolio tracking is cumbersome without a tool such as Ziggma. It has helped me make better investment decisions and saved hours trying to stay ...
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Patricia L
"Ziggma: Shows the right path for the financial market"
What do you like best about Ziggma? It has data aggregation and accounting integration. It has features that make it easy to observe market performance with several report options that are customizable. We can check the financial market and customers have their own access to the platform. Accounting is done more quickly and efficiently because it has a real-time view. What do you dislike about Ziggma? I have nothing bad to say. Met all needs. Recommendations to others considering Ziggma: I ...
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