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Showing 11-20 out of 87
Horrible UX
Can never use this trash when applying for a job. It always tells me there's errors. I hit "Apply with linkedin" yet it still forces me to fill out their terrible form. This has stopped me from applying to lots of jobs.
Dominic Tobias
Probably the worst UX I have ever experienced
It is really quite astounding how nonsensical and awful this interface is, and somehow HR teams are choosing this nonsense and they are making money? Astonishing.Just one of the many examples - to submit Absence it defaults to 0 days, is the table editable? No you open the exact same table in a modal with the field editable for each item. Then what? Why then the absence you just requested goes to YOUR OWN inbox like it's an email you received, and you have to open this "email" and submit it ...
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Such a terrible piece of software
Such a terrible piece of software. The more convoluted, illogical, unintuitive, poorly designed piece of software I ever had to use. Using this is like stepping back in time.
R Allan
Bloated and Useless
Unable to book holidays for Jan next year due to a system fault. Totally unacceptable for something that people depend on when making bookings. I cannot proceed with my life plans until I can book and have confirmation of a January request. Seems Workday are in no hurry to resolve either. Wouldn't trust this company with anything important. The firm I work for has a spreadsheet and a google doc to enable changes to be recorded because workdays abilities are VERY VERY limited
Evaluating myworkdayjobs.com
Evaluating myworkdayjobs.com , the job application framework of Workday.Fuc/kingHorribleExperience.It has some intelligence on auto-import of your CV, as with many other companies, this import is bad. The mobile version UI sucks. The whole process is sh/it. I can only express why I want the job at the very end of all the pathological administrative work I need o go through?I will NOT give any tips or more precise pointers to what is buggy/bad, because I simply DO NOT WANT these companies to ...
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Drake J
The finance system that moves you forward.
What do you like best? Workday Financial Management is a solitary cloud based arrangement intended for financial arranging, examination and exchanges. By consolidating exchanges, bookkeeping, investigation, and consistently on review in one framework, Workday engages leaders with in the second and in a hurry financial and business understanding, they can follow up on and plan for what is next. Workday can make work processes for orders. You can utilize rationale to figure out who the ...
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Hernandez M
Workday Financial Management is a user friendly application designed to help financial managers.
What do you like best? Workday financial management is best for chief financial officers of organisations of all sizes and types.Using this application they can practice their financial skills and cleverness without doing much manual work. It is a cloud based software which is made for planning finances, their transactions and then their analysis. It provides all accounts,transactions,financial details and analysis all under one app. It is an empowering software for financial managers ...
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Fürchterliches Tool
Fürchterliches Tool - es ist so unintuitiv und komplex, eine simple Reisekostenabrechnung zu erstellen, dass Mitarbeiter dies nun immer zusammen mit einem Kollegen / einer Kollegin aus der Buchhaltung erledigen müssen. Workday bietet keinerlei Mehrwert, der im Verhältnis zum Aufwand eines jeden Arbeitsschrittes steht. Wer zu dieser Lösung greift, legt mutwillig sein gesamtes Unternehmen lahm.
Hehre Idee, Umsetzung zu komplex und mit zu viel Ballast
Das scheint die erste Bewertung hier zu sein - merkwürdig.Die Idee scheint gut zu sein, jedoch, wie so oft, die Umsetzung / Implementierung... Eine Katastrophe.Eine Navigation innerhalb des Systems existiert nur rudimentär, ist nicht logisch aufgebaut und hat je nach aktuellem Ort im System teils völlig andere Funktionalität.Dazu gibt es so viele Möglichkeiten und Anpassungsvarianten, dass es vielleicht zwangsläufig unübersichtlich werden muss. In einer meiner vorherigen Firmen kann ich ...
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Daniel P
Workday FMS Review 2020
What do you like best? Workday has the ability to create workflows for requisitions. You can use logic to determine who the req should go to next for either more information or approval, and you can base it on the requisition type, the assigned cost center, the program, the descriptive tags, and more. What do you dislike? When applying a cost center, program, location, and other items that Workday uses an autofill search for, the items you look for don't always show up or don't let ...
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