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Showing 21-30 out of 111
Lots of bugs for textbook
For textbook: Some images are partially shown. Some words being misspelled. When finishing exercises, your answer and the correct answer will be overlapped. If you refresh the page (which you occasionally have to), you will start from the first page and have to do all the exercises again. If you accidentally hit forward/backward, it will lead to a page of error messages.
Lots of bugs for textbook
For textbook: Some images are partially shown. Some words being misspelled. When finishing exercises, your answer and the correct answer will be overlapped. If you refresh the page (which you occasionally have to), you will start from the first page and have to do all the exercises again. If you accidentally hit forward/backward, it will lead to a page of error messages.
kevin m
"Inconvenient, Don't learn much, Stressful"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? Gives you three attempts on the graded problems. I seriously considered and gave thought to more things that I like about WileyPlus, but I honestly couldn't say there was anything else good worth noting.
Anonymous User
"WileyPlus Review - Klein's Organic Chemistry"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? Integration into Canvas LMS! Students have real-time updates to the grade book on their homework progression, and they can access resources from within their LMS.
Anonymous User
"Highly recommended!"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? I love the built-in flash cards, crossword puzzles, and other tools that help the students learn the material. What do you dislike about WileyPLUS?
Amy K
"Review of WileyPLUS"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? Excellent response and support from WIleyPLUS representatives The product continues to evolve and improve functionality
Joshua P
"WileyPLUS -- The way to go . . ."
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? The resources that WileyPlus provides to teachers and professors go above and beyond all other publishers. Wiley keeps in contact not only with the administrators of accounts but connects with the teachers and professors who are using their materials. The amount of professional development opportunities, learning strategies, and other webinars make using Wiley titles and platforms easy.
Anonymous User
"Adaptive practices"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? As you probably can relate to, I am struggling with students to read the chapters. WileyPlus has helped me a lot in getting closer to my goal of getting students to read the assigned chapters by making WileyPlus’ adaptive practices as part of the grade. The adaptive practices Wiley developed are unique and set themselves apart from other publishers. If students try to attempt to complete the questions found in adaptive practices without reading the ...
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Joseph S
"WileyPLUS Review"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? I like the multiple ways that students and faculty can use so many different tools to enhance learning. What do you dislike about WileyPLUS?
Kimberly L
"Wiley Plus Resources for Personal Nutrition Projects"
What do you like best about WileyPLUS? The application within Wiley Plus allow students opportunities to track personal routines and design changes to lifestyle habits for better health and well being. Learning is meaningful in that it is personalized and unique to the individual by applying course content to personal habits.