Empower your workforce against evolving cyber threats.
(144 ratings)
Webroot Security Awareness Training offers custom pricing plan
Introducing Webroot Security Awareness Training, a comprehensive solution designed to enhance cyber security awareness among employees. Our platform offers invaluable ongoing education to provide employees with up-to-date information and practical tests to assess their cyber awareness. In today's digital landscape, ... Read More
(800) 772-9383
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Broomfield, Colorado
Introducing Webroot Security Awareness Training, a comprehensive solution designed to enhance cyber security awareness among employees. Our platform offers invaluable ongoing education to provide employees with up-to-date information and practical tests to assess their cyber awareness. In today's digital landscape, phishing scams and credential theft remain top tactics used in breaches, with user error often surpassing malware as the leading cause. With our concise and easy-to-digest courses, your employees will be better equipped to detect and mitigate potential threats, ultimately strengthening your organization's overall cybersecurity posture. Don't wait until it's too late - empower your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex world of data security and regulatory compliance. Trust Webroot Security Awareness Training to be your partner in safeguarding your business from evolving cyber threats.
Disclaimer: This research has been collated from a variety of authoritative sources. We welcome your feedback at [email protected].
Researched by Rajat Gupta