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Showing 5-6 out of 117
Willson D
"Fantastic Prototyping Toolset"
What do you like best about UXPin? UXPin is a great tool that our whole team uses to prototype and map out complex manufacturing processes with our customers. On any production floor the complexity and corner cases are numerous and UXPin allows us to work together with our customers to hash out all these issues through a clear UI/UX prior to going into building/customizing complex logic and software. This toolset helps shave mountains of time off of our software customization time and is a ...
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Lara C
"Definitely the best UX prototyping tools that I have used!"
What do you like best about UXPin? I started using UXPin in 2015 and I love that the tool keeps evolving and bringing new features over time. I think I've tried every prototyping that was in the market since 2008 and the only one that stayed with me that long was UXPin.