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Amit K
"Very useful tool for pushing updates"
What do you like best about Truepush? Truepush is extremely easy to use and can be integrated very easily on to the website. In addition, Truepush also provides good analytics and can be used to create good reports for the campaigns run.
Shivbhadrasinh G
"For the Free price tag, they are providing so many features!"
What do you like best about Truepush? I really like the interface to setup and send the Push notifications. What do you dislike about Truepush?
Wateen TV
Bad Liers!
They are the worst scam service ever, at first, it was Lifetime free, mentioned everywhere on their website, after a period, it becomes paid if you reach 100k subscribers, other than that totally free, but, now from 2 days ago, they forced us to pay for reaching 30k subscribers! every time they change their mind, and they are the smartest scammer ever, they gave us good plans at first, after that, when they reach a very high number of subscribers, they took them as a hostage, now, we can't ...
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Mukesh P
"Easy to Use and it's money saving"
What do you like best about Truepush? Truepush is easy to use. It sends automatically push notification to the user with RSS feed. We don't need to send push notification manually every time. I just need to set up one time. And it is unlimited free that saves me money.
mohamed asfar
The last updates were bad
The service was free at first, and then they changed their policy, so that you either had to pay hundreds of dollars a month, send ads in push notifications, or lose access to the site's functionality.
nazz subs
They are the worst scam service ever
They are the worst scam service ever, at first, it was Lifetime free, mentioned everywhere on their website, after a period, it becomes paid if you reach 100k subscribers, other than that totally free, but, now from 2 days ago, they forced us to pay for reaching 30k subscribers! every time they change their mind, and they are the smartest scammer ever, they gave us good plans at first, after that, when they reach a very high number of subscribers, they took them as a hostage, now, we can't ...
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Jesus P
"Excellent *and Free* Push Notification Service"
What do you like best about Truepush? We love the fact it's free. We've been using it to send push notifications to browsers and devices when we have events, sales or other newsworthy notices. We're getting a 6.51% clickthrough rate compared to 1.45% on email. It is an extremely powerful notification medium that all companies should be pursuing.
Anonymous Reviewer
My Experience is great!
PROS: Their customer support and UI are great. Look forward to seeing more from them. CONS: Can become faster in terms of delivery.
Huzaifa Dhapai
Worst service and my subscribers are…
Worst service and my subscribers are stuck with them. Even if you have segments created you can't send a notification to them. Damn expensive tool. Bad service.
first it was free... then they ask you for money... there are 1000 of these services and better than this one