Here's a list of the best alternatives for Socialfaim
No, Socialfaim doesn't provide API.
Yes, Socialfaim provides mobile app.
Socialfaim is located in Mumbai, India
Socialfaim offers Free Trial, Quotation Based pricing models
Connecting brands with the perfect influencers seamlessly.
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Socialfaim offers custom pricing plan
Socialfaim is an influencer marketing platform that offers data-driven insights and facilitates brands in reaching their target audience. This software incorporates machine learning algorithms to suggest the best influencers for a brand and provides a complete breakdown of the challenged age group and gender. With Socialfaim, businesses can view real-time insights and KPIs, such as EMV, to measure the success of a marketing campaign. Additionally, it also provides a detailed analysis of earned media value and demographic data to
Socialfaim offers custom pricing plan
Free Trial available
Medium Business
Small Business
Mobile - Android
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Yes, It's available
Socialfaim Pricing
Socialfaim offers custom pricing plan
Pricing Model
Free trial
Paid Plans (Quotation Based )
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+91 93240 67 745
Customer Service
Mumbai, India
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Here's a list of the best alternatives for Socialfaim
No, Socialfaim doesn't provide API.
Yes, Socialfaim provides mobile app.
Socialfaim is located in Mumbai, India
Socialfaim offers Free Trial, Quotation Based pricing models