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No, Singu FM doesn't provide API.
Yes, Singu FM provides mobile app.
Singu FM is located in New York, New York
Singu FM offers Quotation Based pricing model
Streamline facility management, effortlessly.
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Singu FM offers custom pricing plan
Singu FM is a modular, easy-to-use solution for the management of facility. With base functionality that allows for quick deployment and advanced modules with powerful rich functionality, the Singu FM software suite is suited for any size QA team. Each module in Singu FM is modular and can be used independently or connected with a group of other modules to create a super application.
Singu FM offers custom pricing plan
Large Enterprises
Medium Business
Small Business
Mobile - Android
Mobile - iOS
Installed - Windows
Installed - Mac
Software demo
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Singu FM Pricing
Singu FM offers custom pricing plan
Pricing Model
Paid Plans (Quotation Based )
User Review
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Mohammed Majeed H
"It is easy to use"
What do you like best about Singu FM? Interface of Singu FM. It is the best in class What do you dislike about Singu FM?
Csaba L
"Use Singu FM for maintain your buildings estates"
What do you like best about Singu FM? Easy simple usage, connected with BIM and that its always developing to the right direction What do you dislike ...
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Jakub T
"CAFM system for easy use"
What do you like best about Singu FM? Singu FM is very easy to use for everyone. You can learn how to use this software in very short time. NFC tags ...
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Waleed H
"Comprehensive product"
What do you like best about Singu FM? Modules within Singu FM extremely comprehensive, there are ticketing module, operation and maintenance module, ...
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+1 646-760-7004
Customer Service
New York, New York
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Here's a list of the best alternatives for Singu FM
No, Singu FM doesn't provide API.
Yes, Singu FM provides mobile app.
Singu FM is located in New York, New York
Singu FM offers Quotation Based pricing model