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Explore, map, and analyze with ease.
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Starts from $14/Month when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan
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Showing 11-20 out of 78
Alessio Tittonel
Good software
Good software, expensive but very professional.Sarebbe importante implementare la parte relativa alle superfici delle aree e implementare simboli Iso/En per la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro
Wendy Ford
Isn't a review actually
Isn't a review actuallyWe are doing a trip around Australia.We are way into our trip. Would like to show where we have stopped along the way.Can you say find Perth (starting point) 1st stop Geraldton can you show draw which way you went.I have tried with the arrow thing line and when I stop won't let me restart.Hope someone can helpWendy
Tobias Haines
Huge potential, on its way to greatness.
It needs a lot, here and there. Little nagging stuff. But once you get around some of the bugs and stuff, it's actually an incredibly useful tool. The only thing I would beg for in the free version (though, it's making me think of upgrading, sooo...) is the layer management panel! It's killer to not be able to edit your placed markers.Thanks and sorry about the previously harsher review -- it was my own fault for not understanding some of the limitations properly!Also, the team behind this ...
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John McIntyre
Excellent access and service
I have had nothing but enjoyment with this powerful tool. On the road access is vital and I'm just a novice with it. I look forward to learning more about its capability and implementing it more into my day to day operations.
I like this app so far
I needed an app like this to identify households in a nieghborhood for nieghbor hood watch and emergency response. So far it has been great.Still learning how to use it.
Clem Schraefel
very good! a learning curve is required to print properly. lots of paper used!
I have built a good farm map. Wish I could shrink the text as I zoom out the text takes over the map.
Steve Campbell
Vwry Good Map Program
I upgraded to the monthly fee, makes great maps, good visuals, easy to use and add features to maps. WIsh you could find places by lat/lon is only suggestion.
I love the idea but was frustrated with some of the restrictions.
I liked the program for what it had to offer. I was frustrated with not being able to move the legend to a different size or space when printing.
Thomas Daniell
Great programme but could be way better
More control over view finder needs to be enabled.
Amy C
Amazing but dangerous
This app is the only one of its kind. It makes map making effortless and has amazing interactive capabilities. After a long night setting up multiple maps for a huge presentation, I fell asleep knowing I'd look like a rockstar at the meeting the next day. Sadly, the next morning I could not access ANY of my maps because according to ScribbleMaps, my server had a problem connecting. Same server that was used the night before, same laptop, same desk location..... I bombed the presentation ...
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