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Press Releases Made Fast And Simple!
What do you like best? Prowly makes creating Press Releases fun and easier! It does make it easier to add images, titles etc, with the use of its press release generator. You will have everything you need from CRM to media campaigns and also it has an unlimited storage capacity! I never have imagined that I could contact journalist this easy with Prowly. What do you dislike? Their support team is a bit tad slow at responding. I do not know if their support is in house or ...
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Prowly makes it all
What do you like best? Prowly makes it all. CRM, pitch, media, stories. The product is everything I need in my everyday work. I have space to write, to promote, to send, to analyze. I can't imagine my job without it. What do you dislike? There is nothing that I do not like about this software What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Prowly allows you to keep all your PR efforts in one place.