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Effortlessly manage registrations and streamline communication.
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Starts from $14/Month, also offers free forever plan
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Showing 11-20 out of 23
Miranda M
"Planning Center Registrations is THE BEST!"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? I like the way you can take payments on registrations the best. You can format your event page to look and feel however you like. Also, the fees are much less than that of Eventbrite or Eventzilla. We used to use those for different events we held, but PC Registration is much easier! And, it integrates with the rest of our PC software and we can follow up with attendees much easier!
Claire C
"Registrations keeps everything organized and in one place "
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? I love that everything is in one place and syncs with planning center services and people. It makes registering many people immediately after services significantly easier. It is very helpful that it links to "people accounts"
Winford M
"Really Good But Needs Improving"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? Provides a lot of solutions: 1.) this app essentially funnels all participants to one registration location no matter if you register remotely or on campus, 2.) monetary tracking is centralized, and 3.) participant tracking can be downloaded and monitored daily.
Lane W
"This is the perfect software for sign ups. "
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? This software is very user Intuitive and easy to operate. What do you dislike about Planning Center Registrations?
Sean D
"The easiest way for your church to start doing event registration"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? I love that the team at planning center is always working on improving the backend. After three years i’ve seen significant improvements to the app making my life as an admin easier. Best of all it’s free, they never up the price on the subscription or charge “upgrade” fees.
Anonymous User
"Relevant Software for a Growing Church"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? Planning Center is the top pick for church management software; it continues to grow while other church managements softwares decline in relevency. As a church, we continue to see consistent improvement through the software.
Anonymous User
"Planning Center Registrations - Fantastic registration software"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? The ease of use for everyone involved is absolutely wonderful. Everything can be customized, and it is simple to use from the back-end. PCO provides great support. This is a well-organized system that can be integrated with other PCO products!
Anonymous User
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? It is easy to use, minimal fees and I have been able to get my volunteers to use it too!
Anonymous User
"Easy and Fast Registration"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? I love that the Planning Center is user-friendly and that it allows anyone to register by providing a temporary login. Once logged in they are able to create their own password for login.
Hannah A
"Incredibly user friendly and helps manage multiple events at once"
What do you like best about Planning Center Registrations? We are a church with many classes and events happening on a regular basis, so this helps keep them all organized in one place, and allows multiple people to be named as manager of each event. This helps us keep organized without every event falling on the shoulders of one person.