No, Perfect doesn't provide API.
No, Perfect doesn't provide mobile app.
Perfect is located in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Perfect offers Free Trial, Quotation Based, Subscription pricing models
The starting price of Perfect is $350.00/month when Billed Yearly
Attract exceptional talent, elevate your hiring game.
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Starts from $350.00/month when Billed Yearly
Elevate your recruitment game with Perfect, the ultimate solution for attracting top-tier talent. Set your sights on exceptional individuals and unlock a world of possibilities with our comprehensive platform. Say goodbye to outdated hiring practices and hello to a seamless, question-driven onboarding process that paves the way to finding the ideal candidate for every role. Perfect empowers you to connect with remarkable professionals effortlessly, fostering a sense of familiarity from the very first interaction. Wave goodbye to generic job descriptions and say hello to a new era of recruitment where authenticity and connection take center stage. Our all-in-one platform streamlines the entire hiring journey, allowing you to discover, engage, and secure the perfect fit for your team. Gone are the days of awkward phone calls and impersonal interactions. With Perfect, every step of the recruitment process is designed to foster meaningful connections and bring together like-minded individuals in a seamless and efficient manner. Recruit outstanding people with ease and watch as your team flourishes with talent that is truly exceptional. Embrace the future of recruitment with Perfect and set your sights on a brighter and more successful hiring experience.
Starts from $350.00/month when Billed Yearly
Free Trial available
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Browser Based (Cloud)
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Perfect Pricing
Starts from $350.00/month when Billed Yearly
Pricing Model
Free trial
Paid Plans (Quotation Based /Subscription )
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Disclaimer: Pricing information for Perfect is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .
Customer Service
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Stuck on something? We're here to help with all the questions and answers in one place.
No, Perfect doesn't provide API.
No, Perfect doesn't provide mobile app.
Perfect is located in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Perfect offers Free Trial, Quotation Based, Subscription pricing models
The starting price of Perfect is $350.00/month when Billed Yearly
Researched by Rajat Gupta