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Showing 31-40 out of 1134
Brooke B
"Amazing Analytics Platform"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? As a product manager, Mixpanel has been a game changer. I previously used Looker for analytics purposes, but Mixpanel unlocks next-level insights. I am able to analyze user behavior like never before and build dashboards within minutes.
Anonymous User
"Great tool to do quick analysis"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? The drag-and-drop feature makes it super easy to do a quick analysis and helps understand how a particular feature performs. Anyone who does not know how to query and fetch data from a database can also use the tool. Also, the UI feels good.
Anonymous User
"Mixpanel reviews."
What do you like best about Mixpanel? Its accuracy in the user details. It's easy UI and Scripting.
Anna C
"Excellent analytics platform"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? The reports are so intuitive I can pull together insights in seconds. I also love the Lookup table functionality. It allows us to add to the data without needing to involve engineering. Often as I'm building a report, I will find I would like to tweak the data in some way - such as trimming down the language code. In the past, with other platforms, this would have required an engineering change to modify the event. But with lookup tables, I can ...
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Anonymous User
"Great for visualising data"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? Easy to visualise data in many ways. From time graphs to pie charts. Integrating logs with the SDK is also quite easy. What do you dislike about Mixpanel?
Yuvaneet Y
"Mixpanel empowers OneTap by providing crucial product reports."
What do you like best about Mixpanel? Boards on Mixpanel are an invaluable view/tool for me. They keep essential product metrics front and center, allowing me to conveniently access acquisition and retention reports. By monitoring the interactions of our top OneTap users, I can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.
Jorge Z
"A great analytics tool, for beginners and experts"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? The best thing about Mixpanel: Easy learning curve. Most of our collaborators can find data insights without a line of code, contributing to data democratization in our company.
Anonymous User
"Exemplary UX"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? The UX. By far, it's been top-of-the-line. Crisp and to-the-point data. It's super easy to compare user flows and make critical decisions.
Tomas A. C
"Increasing action and convertions rates with Mixpanel"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? These are some of the aspects that I appreciate about Mixpanel. It's important to note that my preferences may vary depending on individual needs and requirements. I highlight some of the features and benefits that I appreciate about Mixpanel:
Viral J
"Helping take data backed decision since last 2 years"
What do you like best about Mixpanel? Speed and Scalability. Inspite of sending large amounts of data, the platform always allowed us to do all kinds of analytics at scale.