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Effortlessly manage all your documents in the cloud.
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Showing 1-10 out of 101
Complete business intelligence platform
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? Properly handles soft copies, and conveniently scans hard copies of documents that we need to process. It is suitable for our office scanner, can scan rapidly, handles large batches, and it can sort out scanned documents by itself. This makes our processes easier since it helps us organize and index files straight from sources such as OCR. This is a really big help and is a significant advantage for our business. What aspects are ...
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My feedbacks on using M-Files platform
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? This platform features a very familiar UI that looks similar to the file explorer of Windows. That makes M-Files easy to use even for beginners. It also has reliable administration security setting that you can apply to each file it stores. This helps you tweak the access of authorized people to such files, such as specifying tasks they can do, and restricting them from open certain files when needed. What aspects are problematic or ...
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Useful in our company each day
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? It is suitable for Microsoft Office products which are great for handling certain documents. Its search feature is superb because we don’t need to worry about finding specific files among thousands of others on the platform. M-Files has a useful web-based UI too. What aspects are problematic or could work better? M-Files is great because it carries a lot of options and features. However, those features make the platform somehow ...
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Features wonderful templates for our database
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? M-Files is very useful for my daily professional needs especially that it features convenient and secured management and storage solutions for all of my files. It has dependable authorization settings too, which helps me easily set access restrictions to each document. This is helpful when I conveniently invite people to view or edit certain items on the platform. As a bonus, it seamlessly suits other software that I need to use for ...
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Robust platform with high efficacy
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? Reliable document storage for confidential files of any business. It can handle thousands of files, keep them in nice classification through electronic signatures, and each file are easy to find through convenient search. M-Files also has wonderful templates that make it more amusing to use. Moreover, it is very smooth, easy to use, and it gives me a satisfying user experience all the time. What aspects are problematic or could work ...
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M-Files has streamlined our content management
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? M-Files has been a boon to our business from the very first time we set it up and used it. It offers top-notch security and it even provides adequate cloud storage space for our files. It does not scrimp on accessibility either because we can use it on desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Also, we never encounter problems with uploading, editing, and sharing files. As such, we have increased our productivity. What aspects are ...
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A competent solution that grows with you
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? M-Files is easy in all aspects: deployment, installation, and usage. It has helped us organize our information so that instead of looking for folders where to save files and documents, we can just find them wherever they are. This works well because of the filters and segments that each user can create. It also helps that the solution has a visual work process creator and a simple administrative module. It works well with Windows OS, ...
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How we implemented M-Files in our local government unit
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? The top features of M-Files are its user-friendliness and exceptional search functionality. Because of it, we no longer have to think about where our files now. Rather, we now think about exactly what kind of document we are facing in the search results. Furthermore, despite its powerful capabilities, M-Files remains intuitive and responsive even on mobile devices. It also helps our business that this software can synchronize with ...
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A software that has streamlined the rollout of organizational policies
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? M-Files offers adaptable work processes that we can configure to our needs, especially when it comes to alerts, document review, and document approval flows. It is very flexible too to that point that each user can personalize the system for their use, something that our employees are very grateful about. What's more, it is accessible to everyone, including external collaborators, without making sensitive information vulnerable. It is ...
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User-friendly and adaptable software for managing files and documents
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? M-Files has assisted our hospital by giving us tools to better manage information without us having to go through intensive configurations. It has a smart metadata function that smooths out the progression of projects and the interfacing of other solutions. Moreover, it works well on any device. What aspects are problematic or could work better? I have not yet encountered anything to dislike about M-Files. What specific problems in ...
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