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No, Lokapp doesn't provide API.
No, Lokapp doesn’t provide mobile app.
Lokapp is located in Angers, France
Lokapp offers Open-source pricing model
Effortlessly streamline your translations and boost productivity.
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Introducing Lokapp, the ultimate project management solution for your team's translation needs. Streamline your process by creating custom keys and organizing them into groups. Effortlessly translate in multiple languages and create as many projects as you want on one centralized dashboard. Collaborate with your team by assigning specific roles and easily share projects. With Lokapp, say goodbye to the hassle of managing translations for applications. Simplify your workflow and elevate your team's productivity. Try Lokapp today and see the difference for yourself.
Medium Business
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Customer Service
Angers, France
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Here's a list of the best alternatives for Lokapp
No, Lokapp doesn't provide API.
No, Lokapp doesn’t provide mobile app.
Lokapp is located in Angers, France
Lokapp offers Open-source pricing model