No, Logixboard doesn't provide API.
No, Logixboard doesn’t provide mobile app.
Logixboard is located in Seattle, Washington
Logixboard offers Quotation Based pricing model
Transforming logistics through unmatched shipment visibility.
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Logixboard offers custom pricing plan
Introducing Logixboard – Empowering You to Deliver Unmatched Shipment Visibility to Your Customers In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Logixboard is your key to enhancing the customer experience and standing out in a crowded market. Offering unparalleled visibility into shipments, Logixboard allows you to impress your customers with real-time tracking and proactive communication. Gone are the days of struggling to keep up with the competition. With Logixboard, you can streamline your operations and elevate your services with ease and efficiency. Whether you're up against industry giants or local players, Logixboard equips you with the tools to compete confidently and effectively. By harnessing the power of technology, Logixboard enables you to become an indispensable partner in your customers’ logistics operations. With Logixboard, you can optimize processes, provide personalized services, and transform the way you engage with clients. Don't just meet expectations – exceed them with Logixboard. This cutting-edge platform is designed to revolutionize the way you manage shipments, interact with customers, and grow your business. Experience the future of logistics management with Logixboard and discover a world of possibilities at your fingertips.
Logixboard offers custom pricing plan
Large Enterprises
Small Business
Medium Business
Browser Based (Cloud)
Free Trial
Not available
Logixboard Pricing
Logixboard offers custom pricing plan
Pricing Model
Paid Plans (Quotation Based )
Customer Service
Seattle, Washington
Stuck on something? We're here to help with all the questions and answers in one place.
No, Logixboard doesn't provide API.
No, Logixboard doesn’t provide mobile app.
Logixboard is located in Seattle, Washington
Logixboard offers Quotation Based pricing model