No, LeadsHunt doesn't provide API.
No, LeadsHunt doesn't provide mobile app.
LeadsHunt is located in Not available
LeadsHunt offers Freemium, Subscription pricing models
The starting price of LeadsHunt is $1,497.00/month when Billed Monthly
Unlock endless growth with LeadsHunt.
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Starts from $1,497.00/month when Billed Monthly, also offers free forever plan
Discover and expand your client base with LeadsHunt, the ultimate tool to elevate your agency's growth. As a business owner, reaching out to potential clients is crucial for increasing your brand's visibility and attracting new opportunities. LeadsHunt simplifies this process by providing you with a personalized list of over 1,000 companies each month that have recently received funding and are seeking to outsource their requirements. By being part of LeadsHunt's exclusive network, you can access a curated selection of high-quality leads, giving you a competitive edge in the market. Stay ahead of industry trends and gain insights into emerging businesses that may align with your services. With LeadsHunt, you can streamline your outreach efforts and focus on building meaningful relationships with prospective clients. Growing your agency has never been easier with LeadsHunt. Take advantage of this innovative platform to connect with new clients and expand your business opportunities. Enhance your agency's outreach strategy and unlock the potential for sustainable growth. Join LeadsHunt today and elevate your agency to new heights.
Starts from $1,497.00/month when Billed Monthly
Large Enterprises
Small Business
Medium Business
Browser Based (Cloud)
LeadsHunt has not given any software demo yet
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Free Trial
Not available
LeadsHunt Pricing
Starts from $1,497.00/month when Billed Monthly
Offers free forever plan
Pricing Model
Paid Plans (Subscription )
Pricing Plans
Receive 10 new leads every week (~10 leads)
20+ data points per company
Likely to outsource field
Do It Yourself
per month
Receive previous month's list upon signup (~1,000 leads)
Receive a brand new list on the 1st of every month (~1,000 leads)
100+ hours of research
20+ data points per company
Likely to outsource field
Show more +
Done For You
per month
Unlock the whole archive (~30,000 leads)
Will send the emails for you
Will book meetings for you
0% commision rate
3 month engagement
Show more +
Screenshots of the LeadsHunt Pricing Page
Disclaimer: Pricing information for LeadsHunt is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .
Customer Service
Not available
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No, LeadsHunt doesn't provide API.
No, LeadsHunt doesn't provide mobile app.
LeadsHunt is located in Not available
LeadsHunt offers Freemium, Subscription pricing models
The starting price of LeadsHunt is $1,497.00/month when Billed Monthly
Researched by Rajat Gupta