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Ethan P
"Its a great free learning experience."
What do you like best about Khan Academy? Khan academy Helps understand and practice challenging topics in ways you see fit for yourself. It also gives you flexibility on the content that you learn. Making it useful for education.
"Khan Academy is essential in today's classroom!"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? What I like best about Khan Academy is it is self-paced learning. I can assign lessons that go with our math curriculum, and students can complete them during intervention time or at home.
Gabriel F
"Succeed Your Education"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? I like the fact that they have every subject you can think of., They have everything Albert Einstein could have thought of. It is a friendly tool and my feedback is to make sure when using them, be sure to read the instructions and title of the video and steps. Every subject in Math is different. Math is very broad and wide, so you want to ensure this is the right training you take. Try to see if it is close to what your teachers/ professors teach ...
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Brooke B
"Khan Academy is an awesome teacher tool!"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? As a substitute teacher, Khan Academy has been a game changer. I use Khan Academy all the time with my students, which range from grades Kindergarten to 5th grade. Teachers often need me to explain or teach topics to their students that I am not completely familiar with. When this happens, I turn to Khan Academy to help me understand what I will be teaching that day. A lot of times, I show the initial video to the entire class so that we can learn ...
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Anonymous User
"This is the best website EVER! I love it helped me in my math when I didn't understand the question!"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? That Sal Is literally the best person to explain things to me when I don't understand sometimes. I would recommend this website to parents who sometimes their kids don't understand a certain subject. If you have time, sit them down at the computer, and put them a on a video for the subject that they don't understand, and BOOM! At least a couple of weeks you will see their grades improve by watching Khan Academy. I hope this helps everyone!
Anonymous User
"Incredible free resource"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? The exercises for students target specific skills and help build student confidence and let them know if they are on track. So much better than worksheets as students get instant feedback on their answers and so they cannot cement wrong procedures. It's also great you can assign students a very specific exercise or video that they are struggling on to review. Students like that they earn points and can upgrade their avatars as well.
Anonymous User
"Great tool for virtual/distant learning"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? I love how Khan Academy keeps track of student work and percentages. Also, the simplicity of the whole design/program. Very user friendly. Easily assign work to the whole group or specific students.
Anonymous User
"Snippet learning topics, with ease of understanding at any level"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? Learning pace.. broad topic areas.. categorization What do you dislike about Khan Academy?
Lindsey S
"A great interactive tool for studying"
What do you like best about Khan Academy? I love how in tune the speakers are with their audience. They were a lifesaver for me during nursing school! I am a visual learner, so their interactive chalkboard was extremely useful!
Tripti J
"Learning is always free."
What do you like best about Khan Academy? It is a great website because it provides free books on many subjects. I studied maths over here but there are other different courses that are helpful. It is easy to learn here, it also provides a good teacher and video lectures for free. Sign up is a very easy process.