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Harsh M
"A reliable entry point to scan, remediate & analyze your VM Vulnerabilities"
What do you like best about Cisco Vulnerability Management (formerly Kenna.VM)? A clutter free minimal dashboard which shows a brief information on your assets, vulnerabilities and also possible fixes for vulnerabilities. Moreover, the dashboard shows quick visible links to filter based on easily exploitable vulnerabilities, popular malwares etc. Such filters are easy to use for a novice user as well as a person with limited tech knowledge. To add, there are custom query filters to search ...
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Anonymous User
"Pros and Cons of Kenna"
What do you like best about Cisco Vulnerability Management (formerly Kenna.VM)? Pros of Kenna is that it is extremely easy to learn and has a clean interface that can be utilized at all levels. Whether your are the remediation team or the CEO, Kenna can provide data in a straight to the point fashion making it very appealing to organizations. What do you dislike about Cisco Vulnerability Management (formerly Kenna.VM)? I think the biggest dislike about Kenna is they haven't seemed to update ...
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