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Showing 51-60 out of 348
Rique B
"GuideCX really helps me stay on track with my projects."
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? The system is very user friendly and easy to understand. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? I would like to be able to update the dates on multiple tasks at the same time. What problems is GUIDEcx solving and how is that benefiting you? It helps me stay on track with the multiple projects i am working on.
Anonymous User
"Tasks made easy"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? I like the ability to add and update tasks. I often work with the check lists and adding notes for internal partners. I've also been able to add videos to assist clients. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? Sometimes I have a hard time finding specific tasks after they have been collapsed when completed. I've had clients mark tasks as complete when they thought they provided the correct information but I still needed additional items and needed to update ...
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Hilton Y
"Guide CX helps accelerate our onboarding at scale"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? GuideCX has allowed our onboarding team to scale with our customer growth, particularly important for our growth globally and with large complex customers. Our internal and customer communication has improved significantly. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? We're having issues emails blocked in SPAM filters resulting in challenges around effective communication. What problems is GUIDEcx solving and how is that benefiting you? Scaling our business, ...
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Anonymous User
"Great Project Management Tool: Constantly Expanding"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? I love the ability to add checklists and attachments directly into tasks. This allows up to streamline our processes for specific pieces of setup and QA. I also enjoy that you can customize and have multiple different types of project plans. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? I do not like that dates do not update on tasks automatically when a project end date has been updated. it causes a lot of manual adjustments, when based on the timeline, it should ...
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Keith L
"Good, But Not Perfect"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? I like the organization, the layout, and the ability for my clients and I to easily review and mark off tasks as complete. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? Although some tasks are dependent on one another, changing the due date on a task due earlier in the process often doesn't update the dates on related tasks. What problems is GUIDEcx solving and how is that benefiting you? It helps keep track of tasks that need to be completed, both for myself and ...
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Juston J
"GUIDEcx was a game changer"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? GUIDEcx was a game-changer for Scanco. We often times found ourselves and our customers frustrated and asking "what's next" with our complex implementations. We searched the market for some time before we found GUIDEcx and within a week of initial signup, we were signing the order form. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? Still Lack of availability to customize the product, however, they are working on this with my team, it's not as fast as I would like, ...
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Anonymous User
"Provides faster onboarding for customers"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? GuideCX makes it easier to track customer onboarding projects and helps them get up and running faster. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? The reporting is limited. I am used to using Salesforce, where I can pull any data. I currently have to push the data to Salesforce to run most reports. It would be better if GuideCX were built on Salesforce instead of just having the ability to integrate with Salesforce. What problems is GUIDEcx solving and how is ...
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Jared A
"Scalable, repeatable, all-inclusive source of our project data now"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? The ability to pull data out of the system and analyze it via their API. And Friendly and helpful staff. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? The standard reports are good but not great. The good news is that they are continually improving and growing their report library. What problems is GUIDEcx solving and how is that benefiting you? Having all projects using the same templates allows us to standardize our tasks rather than the success of a project ...
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Todd B
"Overall great."
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? I like that customers do not need a specific login to see project statuses. I like the automated emails that go out to customers so that they can be reminded of tasks. What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? I dislike that I cannot copy/paste checklists from one task to another. I also dislike that sometimes when I move tasks around in a project, they revert back to the original order after refreshing the page or exiting the project and coming back ...
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Coco W
"Guide CX has changed the way we Onboard for the Best!"
What do you like best about GUIDEcx? Ease of customer communication, able to better structure our projects both for the general onboardings and special cases. Absolutely exceptional customer service, I often times work with Sara or Michael and they are always willing to help to the best of their abilities. I love your customer service! What do you dislike about GUIDEcx? Little bit of UI changes still needed but overall really don't have much issues or complaints. What problems is GUIDEcx ...
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