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Starts from $0.83/Month when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan
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Denis Davydov
Dishonesty with money
My current Plan: Pay As You Go. I made one order (I bought only one template!)But they withdrew my money from the account several times.Unclear interface: when you make an order - they take money from your card immediately. No any confirmation, no any bills.And they don't answer for my complains.It is very dangerous to pay money here.
Utsav Sarkar
ABSOLUTE SCAM! STAY AWAY!I joined Flixpress as a member and the membership fee was $70 per month. They accidentally charged my credit card twice and now they dont want to refund me the money! I contacted their customer service and they were rude. They said I clicked on the pay button twice and so they cant do anything about it. They are absolute FRAUD! Stay away!
Peter Ljungberg
Ignoring Customers
This is a company who have a great service to offer, but..To be a customer is not that easy, they take long time to answer support requests and they ban you on Facebook if you send them messages and comment their posts about your requests.I still waiting for them to take care about my support request, I have waiting over a year now and I have resent the request over and over again. NO ANSWERS!If you want to spend money on videos, find something else!