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Showing 41-50 out of 205
Deonte M
Easy Projects FTW
What do you like best? Easy Projects make collaborations easier. Even when projects are completed I can spotlight search keywords and find what I am looking for in a breeze. What do you dislike? The platform is powerful. I was a little overwhelmed at first but as I learned to use it more it was easier to navigate. Recommendations to others considering the product: Easy Projects is a great easy to use tool. My organization uses it as its primary project management platform. ...
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User in Design
Easy Interface, great for time tracking and logging hours against specific projects.
What do you like best? The app interface for logging hours and how easy it is to close a project with the click of a button. The accessibility between the computer and my phone makes logging hours much easier. It is very easy to create and manage new projects in the software. What do you dislike? some of the SPAM messages inside the software can be distracting. I have noticed that when a project is closed it is hard to run reports on it from the same interface that we run open ...
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User in Construction
Easy to manage all my projects and it's deadlines.
What do you like best? Easy to keep track of all tasks and projects. User-friendly. What do you dislike? Sometimes it gets tedious to assign tasks. Recommendations to others considering the product: Surely can think of it. It's easy to use and manage your projects. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? I don't have to jump around my team to check for deadlines and status. Once I assign task with deadline, team works on it ...
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User in Translation and Localization
User friendly software
What do you like best? The best part of easy project is that I get to view weekly time sheet and see the times I am missing What do you dislike? The notification settings. Easy projects sends out desktop and phone notification for all the projects you can view. If you could have that fixed to only getting notified for the projects you are assigned to would be great!! Recommendations to others considering the product: Implement this great software What problems are you ...
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Anisha J
A great way to consolidate all your projects, add comments and keep a track on deadlines.
What do you like best? The best part is - via Easy Projects the entire team can keep up with the progress being made on each project. One does not have to spend any time updating each member or sending out emails. The features are highly customizable and email notifications make it very easy to share these projects with those who are not on Easy Project, without having to write emails about the specific project. I also like the reminders that come from Easy Projects that remind you of ...
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Tyler P
Easy Projects makes it easy to stay up to date on my projects.
What do you like best? It is one common place where everyone working on a project can come to see and give updates of the status of a project, log time spent on the project, and check on other projects to see if they require more attention. What do you dislike? Just the fact that I have to remember to add updates or Time Logs. I don't always have the site open, so can forget to update it. Then others don't get the updates to see where a project is at. What problems are you ...
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User in Information Technology and Services
Quick and easy overview of all task
What do you like best? With one click I can see all open task with status. I really like "request approval" options - because your colleague immediately receive notification and know that something is "waiting" on him. We can track different activities per country, collaborate with all departments in our company without needing to have meeting. It is very easy to create new task and follow tasks. We can track different status. What do you dislike? Sometimes when the task is closed ...
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Dena L
Ease in navigation
What do you like best? I like how you can open several tabs and work in different portfolios at the same time. What do you dislike? When you pick certain filters, such as open/closed, it still shows the archived closed it just grays them out. I wish it didn't show them at all as it bogs down on the information I still have to look at. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Easy Projects has allowed me to not have to frequently come ...
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Administrator in Automotive
Convenient Easy Projects Program for all your Documents Project Hours
What do you like best? Easy Tool. They keep improving functionality within the program. They respond quickly to queries within the built in chat program What do you dislike? So far none. At first the visual changes they make seems to be harder to navigate but as soon as you emplore then they were even simpler and easy to use. Recommendations to others considering the product: This is a great tool for all you project hours What problems are you solving with the product? ...
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User in Automotive
Task tracking and management
What do you like best? I like the way EasyProjects tracks your hourly work and you are able to filter out by week, month or even year. It makes it easier to just input your work time per specific project. What do you dislike? The I am done button is very confusing. You could click the I am done button but in reality, the task has not been changed to complete. Also, anyone can click the I am done button by mistake and it is hard to fetch back the task to appear in your assignments. ...
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