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Rokas L
Best coworking document software for tech
What do you like best? The simplicity of the UI, ability to link with other software (google calendar, JIRA). The shortcuts are great! What do you dislike? impossible to edit documents for users that don't have an account already with drop box Recommendations to others considering the product: Super easy to use, recommend to try - there is nothing to lose and I guarantee you will not go back to the other software! What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits ...
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User in Restaurants
Collaborative, easy to use tool
What do you like best? It allows multiple team members to work on documents simultaneously no matter where they are. Great for our team who work in different offices. It makes it easy to share content and work collaboratively. What do you dislike? The mobile application can be a bit limited when editing documents. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Thanks to this service we can create and edit the best documents as the program offers ...
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Daniela G
Gestión de documentos con sencillez y eficiencia.
What do you like best? Una excelente herramienta de trabajo que nos permite gestionar todos nuestros trabajos, así como poder crear o editar documentos de forma individual o grupal, mejorando así la dinámica de trabajo a la hora de desarrollar ideas, poder crear hojas de calculo es otra de las ventajas de Dropbox paper, así como la creación de cuestionarios que nos pueden ayudar de forma impactante en nuestro entorno, todo lo que hagamos dentro de Dropbox paper se guardara automáticamente ...
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Carlos Daniel Q
Trabajar en forma grupal y a distancia nunca había sido tan practico.
What do you like best? Nos permite editar de forma online rápida y sencilla, así como poder insertar documentos PDF sin ningún problema, no pesa nada es muy liviana corre sin problemas, jamas es lenta o tarda en cargar algún archivo que necesite editar o crear, fluye de forma amigable, trabajar de forma grupal es muy agradable ya que podemos hacer una lista y saber quien agrego o quien esta trabajando en nuestro proyecto e incluso asignarles alguna actividad. What do you dislike? Nada ...
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Miriam D
Una herramienta de trabajo que genera muchos beneficios a cualquier persona o empresa que la use.
What do you like best? Una excelente herramienta de trabajo que nos permite editar, crear y armar documentos de forma individual o grupal lo cual es muy atractivo para cualquier empresa o equipo de trabajo ya que nos ayuda a combinar ideas. Todo queda guardado automáticamente en nuestro dropbox Nos permite hacer borradores de artículos preparar ponencias a la ora de realizar cualquier conferencia o proyecto Poder preparar clases y tenerlas listas para poder darlas Armar ...
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Julio N
La facilidad de compartir y realizar archivos de forma grupal
What do you like best? Es muy fácil de usar con una gran serie de herramientas que facilitan el trabajo, con Dropbox Paper podemos compartir y editar documentos u hojas de cálculos y permitir que un grupo de personas terminado pueda ayudarnos a editarlo o mejorarlo haciendo nuestro trabajo mas completo y sencillo. What do you dislike? Hasta ahora nada negativo que decir sobre DropBox Paper. Recommendations to others considering the product: Si queremos trabajar en grupo con ...
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Marie W
New useful tool for teamwork created by Dropbox.
What do you like best? - The real time feedback it provides it's really helpful because elminiate the need of large amount of emails packing up your inbox, with this feature you get notified when some team member left you a comment. - Media integration is really great allowing to do different kind of things that you wouldn't be doing with other programs on the market. - It has a good representation of showing technical and scientific equations with a system that Paper supports ...
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User in Human Resources
Great for team work
What do you like best? Dropbox paper is like Google Docs but fore creative work. It's like Google Docs on the sense that your team can comment and respond but it is really useful when communicating with team members working remotely or working from home. Quick notifications regarding comments and suggestions added by team members. What do you dislike? It's great for creative work we do for digital marketing but there aren't many options to edit and format. Adding more features would ...
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Richard M
Great tool to share work between partners.
What do you like best? With Dropbox papers you put aside the offline creation of documents and you integrate into the new way of working in online mode where you can collaborate with your coworkers in real time and you can share files and editions in just seconds. The main features, which are relatively new, is that everything is done on the web, such as creation and editing of documents, the organization of important files and folders of the work group, make comments, annotations, make a ...
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John F
Super convenient
What do you like best? Access to my docs anywhere I go. I can turn in and work on projects on the fly. What do you dislike? Download issues from time to time. Converting back from Dropbox to my computer software. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? The ease to access my documents no matter where I am. I can save a presentation and work on it anywhere.