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Showing 1-10 out of 42
manish J
"Great Tool to bring many data sources of Big Data together with good performance"
What do you like best about Dremio? Its easy to configuring many different sources and create virtual data set that do unions across them. I am really happy about performance for data-retrieval
santosh k
"User Friendly"
What do you like best about Dremio? its easy to use and upgrades are simple compared to other products What do you dislike about Dremio?
Badr L
"Accelerate your data transformation by freeing up access to your datalake"
What do you like best about Dremio? The capacity to create specific data marts for each department that are sourced from a common database for all the company.
Anonymous User
"Dremio Review"
What do you like best about Dremio? I like how easy it is to get the data ready w/o going through the ETL/ELT process. What do you dislike about Dremio?
Anonymous User
"Revolutionary technology with a natural user interface"
What do you like best about Dremio? Dremio initially caught my eye because the company grew out of the open-source arrow project, which was already a fantastic project and critical to big data platforms.
Julien L
"Handy engine to bring many sources of Big Data together with good performance"
What do you like best about Dremio? I really like the ease of configuring many different sources and create views that do unions across them. I'm also a big fan of Flight's performance for data-retrieval!
Daniel S
"Dremio as a next-generation data lake engine"
What do you like best about Dremio? - Dremio allows business users to access data easily on multiple platform (HDFS, Oracle RDBMS, SQL Server, Json, etc.)
Shayen Y
"Had a great experience building our Data Virtualisation layer with Dremio on top of our Data Lake."
What do you like best about Dremio? Lightning-fast query speeds, ability to easily work with data lakes What do you dislike about Dremio?
Lotar S
"Flexibility in data management"
What do you like best about Dremio? -Dremio allows business analysts to access data easily on any platform (HDFS, Oracle RDBMS, EnterpriseDB, SQL Server, etc.)
Anonymous User
"Dremio is really cool!"
What do you like best about Dremio? With a tiny engineering team (1) we were able to get Dremio up and running in AWS for our org to start using. It is extremely easy to bring silos of data from all over the organization held in various formats and make them available in our platform.