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Showing 1-10 out of 49
PintRaj K
"Best and resonable price to use storage"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? The best i like in digitalocean space is charges when comparing to othere service provide like AWS its a bit cheaper like for storage its 0.02$/GB and for datatransfer/bandwidth its 0.01$/GB. If you choose the amazon it will cost less in storage but more on bandwidth/data transfer
Anonymous User
"Fast & reliable Cloud Storage Solution"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? DigitalOcean offers a Fast & Reliable Cloud Storage Solution. It has an in-built CDN network, which does not need manual configuration and is easy to use even for beginners.
Bishal D
"Digital Ocean spaces provides fast and reliable object storage"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? Unlike any other Object Storage, such as AWS S3, it provides in-built CDN; it is fast, highly reliable, and highly scalable more over it is also S3 compatible one can easily use the large ecosystem of plugins and tools
Anonymous User
"Object Storage that doesn't cost you much"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? It has good documentation. Economical pricing. We can use the same commands that we used for s3. Migration from s3 to the digital ocean is easy as almost all the commands were similar. Also, it has a built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Anonymous User
"Great, reliable and cost effective"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? The price point is very bang on point and the service very reliable What do you dislike about DigitalOcean Spaces?
Anonymous User
"DigitalOcean Spaces provide a reliable bucket storage solution"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? DigitalOcean Spaces provided fast and reliable S3 compatible storage solution. It also has an inbuilt CDN configuration which is the main feature I like because that provides me less headache to configure a CDN for my files
Akshay M
"Awesome Community for Developers"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? The best part of Digital Ocean is the support and also its very simple and helpful for any project deployment. I am very much satisfied with the service of Digital Ocean Spaces
Pallavi S
"A review on DigitalOcean Spaces"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? Mostly like the following features - Powerful and simplicity
Sudeep C
"Review about DigitalOcean Spaces"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? It has good documentation, which is very helpful for the developer. It is S3 compatible so that any programming language can be easily integrated.
Sujan M
"Review on Digital Ocean Spaces"
What do you like best about DigitalOcean Spaces? Most liked features about the digital ocean spaces: -Beautifully simple backups