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No, deskbird doesn't provide API.
No, deskbird doesn’t provide mobile app.
deskbird is located in
deskbird offers Free Trial, Subscription, Quotation Based pricing models
Work smarter, not harder. Streamline your workplace.
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deskbird offers custom pricing plan
Deskbird is the ultimate solution for any workplace. With a few clicks, you can securely book a shared desk, docking station, phone booth, or even parking spot. Streamlined booking is available through an app, web app, MS Teams or Slack. Setting up a flex space can be completed in mere minutes, and can also be conveniently synced with Outlook and Google calendar. Plus manage interactive floor plans, check-in requirements, access restrictions, and more. Get valuable insights through detailed
deskbird offers custom pricing plan
Free Trial available
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deskbird Pricing
deskbird offers custom pricing plan
Pricing Model
Free trial
Paid Plans (Subscription /Quotation Based )
Pricing Plans
€1.80 user per month billed yearly, €2.25 userper month billed monthly
Booking of desks and other resources
Week planning and work location sharing
Mobile and web apps
MS Teams and Slack integration
€3.80 user per month billed yearly, €4.75 userper month billed monthly
All Starter features plus:
Room booking
QR codes for on-the spot bookings
Office analytics for admins
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All Business features plus:
SCIM/automatic (de-)provisioning of users
Integration with HRIS
Custom data privacy configuration
Screenshots of the deskbird Pricing Page
Disclaimer: Pricing information for deskbird is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .
User Review
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Anonymous User
"Very smart option for shared office teams - easy for mobile phone and computrer"
What do you like best about deskbird? - easy option to book a table or a room - easy to see which colleagues are in the office - good app What do you ...
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Niclas H
"Very practical tool that has integrated perfectly into our everyday life!"
What do you like best about deskbird? It's so easy to reserve a seat via the app or the browser application. The quick booking function for your ...
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Michèlel B
"Deskbird is an important puzzle in the successful design of our hybrid work culture."
What do you like best about deskbird? The tool is very easy to use and covers all our needs. In particular the hybrid scheduling is very valuable for ...
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Marko B
"Amazing overall"
What do you like best about deskbird? I appreciate the aproach Deskbird team has to clients, full of understanding and always looking for ways to ...
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No, deskbird doesn't provide API.
No, deskbird doesn’t provide mobile app.
deskbird is located in
deskbird offers Free Trial, Subscription, Quotation Based pricing models