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Turn static presentations into engaging video portals!

Starts from $20.00per user / month when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan

Overview of DeckLinks

What is DeckLinks ?

Introducing DeckLinks - Empower your presentations with dynamic video experiences! Elevate your sales strategy with DeckLinks, a cutting-edge tool that transforms static presentations into captivating video portals. With our revolutionary platform, client-facing teams can effortlessly craft personalized deal rooms, infuse ... Read More

API not available

DeckLinks Platforms

  • Browser Based (Cloud)

DeckLinks Customer Type

  • Large Enterprises
  • Small Business
  • Medium Business

DeckLinks Features

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Pricing of DeckLinks

Starts from $20.00 when Billed Yearly, also offers free forever plan

  • Free Trial,
  • Freemium,
  • Subscription

Screenshot of the DeckLinks Pricing Page (Click on the image to visit DeckLinks 's Pricing page)

Disclaimer: Pricing information for DeckLinks is provided by the software vendor or sourced from publicly accessible materials. Final cost negotiations and purchasing must be handled directly with the seller. For the latest information on pricing, visit website. Pricing information was last updated on .

DeckLinks FAQs

DeckLinks is a Sales Analytics Software. DeckLinks offers the following functionalities:
  • Analytics
  • Content Management
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No, DeckLinks doesn't provide API.
No, DeckLinks doesn’t provide mobile app.
DeckLinks is located in Toronto, Canada
DeckLinks offers Free Trial, Freemium, Subscription pricing models
We don't have information regarding integrations of the DeckLinks as of now.

DeckLinks Support


+1 855-771-3757

Customer Service



Toronto, Canada

Reach out to DeckLinks Social channels

Read More about DeckLinks

Introducing DeckLinks - Empower your presentations with dynamic video experiences! Elevate your sales strategy with DeckLinks, a cutting-edge tool that transforms static presentations into captivating video portals. With our revolutionary platform, client-facing teams can effortlessly craft personalized deal rooms, infuse audio/video narratives, and share interactive sales presentations using just a single link. At the heart of DeckLinks lies the power of unrivaled real-time engagement analytics, empowering sales professionals with crucial insights into how potential buyers interact with their sales materials and decks. With this real-time data at their fingertips, sales teams can effectively prioritize highly engaged prospects, pinpoint the most impactful sales content driving conversions, and strategically prepare for upcoming meetings. Experience the difference with DeckLinks as you seamlessly bridge the gap between traditional sales presentations and engaging video experiences. Transform your static content into dynamic showcases that captivate your audience and drive impactful sales conversations. Elevate your sales efforts and gain a competitive edge in the market with DeckLinks - revolutionizing the way you engage buyers and close deals.

Disclaimer: This research has been collated from a variety of authoritative sources. We welcome your feedback at [email protected].

Researched by Rajat Gupta