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Dinesh S
"Cratedb review"
What do you like best about CrateDB? Great DP is very easy to use and we can execute large amount of data queries and get their results in a very minimal time around milliseconds. The additional features includes integrating with the third party application is very easy. The application is very scalable and flexible to use.
Anonymous User
"CrateDB - A versatile database."
What do you like best about CrateDB? 1. Database can be automatically scaled and partitioned as per the data volume. Also, data rebalancing is done automatically by Crate.
Sharada B
"CrateDB a single place to store all data"
What do you like best about CrateDB? The concept of run anywhere and everywhere is really helpful in today's world of hybrid technology. It's highly scalable
Mallikarjuna K
"Useful DB management tool"
What do you like best about CrateDB? Very easy to create the sql quer, and can be easily fetch the data. What do you dislike about CrateDB?
Anonymous User
"Good Database for lightweight projects"
What do you like best about CrateDB? CrateDb offers typical features any Database should support, such as indexing What do you dislike about CrateDB?
Dennis M
"very efficient and straight forward service"
What do you like best about CrateDB? improved security and implicit data sharing. I also like increased productivity on the app What do you dislike about CrateDB?
Anonymous User
"Best database management system"
What do you like best about CrateDB? Best database management system with more efficient in memory and storage. Provides the real time response with high data volume.
💡 Alberto P
"Excelente sistema de código abierto para gestión de bases de datos"
What do you like best about CrateDB? Lo mejor es su simplicidad y su facilidad de integración, además del código abierto que nos da libertad. What do you dislike about CrateDB?
Anonymous User
"Crate db review"
What do you like best about CrateDB? It's very easy to use and handle..it takes very less time to create the db What do you dislike about CrateDB?
Anonymous User
"Need improvment"
What do you like best about CrateDB? Tool UI is vert fast and its intitutive. I recommend this for beginners. Good one to go during starting phases. Also the menu interfaces are freat and helps in learning