Streamline your practices with Covetrus Avimark.
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Showing 31-40 out of 90
Bridgette P
"User friendly veterinary management software."
What do you like best about Covetrus Avimark? Avimark is easy to learn, new staff members find it user friendly. If you are unsure of how to do something the manual is helpful.The format for the SOAP notes is user friendly and set up to make it easy for staff to fill out properly.
Carolyn S
"Easy and Comprehensive Software"
What do you like best about Covetrus Avimark? Avimark is very basic yet has everything you would want. After seeing it used in multiple practices it is clear that everyone uses it a little differently.
Julia M
"Could be more intuitive"
What do you like best about Covetrus Avimark? I like the scheduling system and entering new items with associated codes is simple. What do you dislike about Covetrus Avimark?
Anonymous User
"Cheap software. Poor quality support. Lots of bugs, and lacking in design."
What do you like best about Covetrus Avimark? I guess it’s fairly simple, but that is also a draw back. What do you dislike about Covetrus Avimark?
Administrator in Veterinary
"Cheap software. Poor quality support. Lots of bugs, and lacking in design."
What do you like best? I guess it’s fairly simple, but that is also a draw back. What do you dislike?
Stacy R
"A veterinary clinics best friend!"
What do you like best about Covetrus Avimark? I love the options AVImark has. I An currently not using every available option such as whiteboard but I love that i am able to if need be. Scheduling with avimark is a breeze. I love how I can bring up vetsource and care credit from the main screen and still stay on the program while still having access to those as well.
Agency in Veterinary
"Avimark Review"
What do you like best? It’s pretty user friendly in my opinion. When I first started at my job, it did not take me long at all to pick up on how everything worked.
Jessica S
"Avimark in Animal Clinic"
What do you like best? I love the ease of already having a patient selected and just as simple as a right click schedules them.
User in Veterinary
What do you like best? Easy to use once trained on the system. What do you dislike?
Administrator in Veterinary
"User Friendly"
What do you like best? Very user friendly, easy to train new staff. What do you dislike?