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Streamline appointments and boost retention with Cogsworth.
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Mario C
Flexible software, saves a lot of time
What do you like best? Practical software, really very easy to configure, you can organize and schedule several events, simple and convenient form to complete, I love it because it is based on the cloud, you can also ask questions of the person with whom you are going to have an appointment. Registration is simple, it is a great tool very simple to implement, really useful for service providers to make their reservations online. What do you dislike? There are features that are ...
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Kristin Smith
100% transparency into my business
PROS & CONS What are the best aspects of this product? It is transparent and all the team members can see who's booked when, when they have available time and if the person chose a team member or gave no preference who they will talk to. Based on this, we judge the team's performance and discuss why website visitors chose that very team member over others. This has been really helpful and the need to spend more time on discussion and communication lessened due to the fact that nobody ...
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