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Clearly made for technicians at the…
Clearly made for technicians at the business level, Clonezilla does what it say it will do very well. It does not do a lot however, as it is made for reliability, scalability, and speed. It is also great for recovering what data is usable from a SMART failed HDD, it will skip bad sectors, and recover good sectors in a clone process.
Anonymous User
"Reliable, fast sector-by-sector clone tool"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Tool is quickly bootable, copies all expected partitions, allows booting to RAM, can re-partition automatically. Free. What do you dislike about Clonezilla?
Drayton K
"The BEST Cloning Tool - Free & Open Source!"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Pros: *Live bootable.
Marco A
"A great tool for backup and hard disk cloning!"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? - It is easy to use to create or restore images or direct clones of partitions or whole disks: just boot from the CD or pendrive and follow the step-by-step wizard.
Joe G
"Good and Free Disk Partitioning and Cloning Tool"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Clonezilla's strength is the fact that it is sturdy and straightforward to use. Typically, you pick your options, boot it up, allow it to run. It is the imaging applications, As soon as you've got a grasp of this app. Also, of course, it is free and straightforward to discover.
Alicia M
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Clonezilla es un programa basado en licencias de código abierto, es gratuito, multiplataforma. Su objetivo es servirnos de ayuda ante un grave caso de pérdida de datos, al permitirnos recuperarnos ante desastres. También puede resultar de gran ayuda a la hora de realizar la clonación de discos y particiones.Su modo de operar es llevar a cabo una copia de seguridad del equipo o bien guardar una copia y reproducirla en todos las computadoras en las que ...
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Anonymous User
"Invierte menos tiempo utilizando imágenes de Clonezilla"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Clonezilla nos permite obtener la imagen de un disco duro y clonarla en otros equipos rápidamente. es gratis, además de ser un software que es completamente basado en las leyes del software libre, esto es, libertad de ejecución y uso y libertad de modificación.
Elvira S
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Cuando ejecutamos clonezilla lo primero que debemos saber es que estamos haciendo uso de un programa cuya licencia se basa en las licencias de software libre, lo que facilita que sea gratuito.
David T
"Clonezilla Straight-Forward Imaging"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? Clonezilla's greatest strength is that it's powerful and simple to use. In most cases you boot it up, select your choices, and let it run. Once you have a grasp of the program it is probably the best straight up imaging tools available out there. Not to mention it's free and easy to find.
Mike T
"Very easy to use and scale"
What do you like best about Clonezilla? How easily I was able to scale the process to 500 computer's What do you dislike about Clonezilla?