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Anshul C
"chatnox live chat is a unique and great service"
What do you like best about ChatNox Live Chat? chatnox helps alot to talk to client on a live session, if you are a website owner. it is very easy to integrate this with the website. chatnx live chat offers a plugin into the wordpress cms so you can use this easily with the wordpess website. it has got easy to use dashboard, so you can see all the records, live sessions, chat history, number of visitors, session timmings and very much more. chat nox has got great features and easy to use ...
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Shay K
"Review on ChatNox Software"
What do you like best about ChatNox Live Chat? There are some cool features, lay outs are nice. You are able to take to with and organized set up. What do you dislike about ChatNox Live Chat? This software is pretty awesome, dont know how any one could dislike! Best so far What problems is ChatNox Live Chat solving and how is that benefiting you? Basically really helpful when trying to help customer and fulfill needs
Anonymous User
"Fairly easy to use."
What do you like best about ChatNox Live Chat? Easy to paste in script to website, easy to use. What do you dislike about ChatNox Live Chat? Havent had enough of a chance to use it to find anything I dislike. What problems is ChatNox Live Chat solving and how is that benefiting you? Providing online customer service