Bula Kava House
Yes, both stack.promo and S Loyalty offer a Free Trial.
stack.promo is designed for Individuals, Large Enterprises, Medium Business and Small Business.
S Loyalty is designed for Large Enterprises, Medium Business and Small Business.
Pricing for stack.promo Starts at $20/Month whereas for S Loyalty Starts at $19.99/Month.
Some top alternatives to stack.promo includes Xoxoday Plum, Capillary Loyalty Plus, LoyaltyXpert, Open Loyalty, S Loyalty, Novus Loyalty, RoboRewards, Adelya Loyalty Operator, LoyaltySurf and Retyn.
Some top alternatives to S Loyalty includes LoyaltyXpert, Open Loyalty, bLoyal, Bluestar Loyalty, LoyaltyPlant, MAXMA, Novus Loyalty, Glow Loyalty, LoyaltySurf and Retyn.