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Showing 25-27 out of 83
Rodney Adachi
The video process was straightforward…
The video process was straightforward and user friendly. Adding a title page or credits was more difficult. The directions on how to edit the recorded video was confusing. I needed to cut 10 seconds from the video and it was difficult for me. My sister liked the birthday greeting and it is viewable to anyone with the link. I like that we can secure the video and not allow others to share it very easily on Social Media. Thank You. - Rodney
Good, but trickery.
Overall superb in gathering all videos from folks at once. However the end result is something I could have done myself in iMovie and made it look much better. I was also unaware there was a price attached to this service. So once all the videos were collected, it was almost like, "Gotcha! You now have to pay because all your content is uploaded to our server". If that were the case, I would not have used them. This is really only great if you are not very tech savvy and have no experience ...
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Average user
Useful video service, insufferable spamming to upload videos
Useful video service, but as someone who was added as part of an email chain, it’s pretty insufferable to get spammed multiple times on the last day to submit videos. The service also cries wolf a bit saying it’s one hour left, then another email saying it’s now or never. But that’s not the final email— yet another email comes in shortly after that. Please be polite in email communications, would engender more goodwill among user base.