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Showing 81-90 out of 251
David P
Fully functional and still simple
What do you like best? The interface is clean and intuitive, and easy to discover and use without need for lots of documentation. It has all the features I want readily available, but isn't cluttered with stuff I don't use and/or find confusing. What do you dislike? I've only had a couple of issues. Updates to cards require an explicit 'save' in odd places, and creating new cards with sub-tasks is kind of clunky around that. Recommendations to others considering the product: ...
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User in Computer Software
User Friendly
What do you like best? Easy to setup multiple templates for different types of projects. We have various implementation project types that we track. This gives us the ability to set default tasks on the projects and use for each of the implementations What do you dislike? Sometimes when transferring cards from one board to another, information such as tags, headings, etc are not transferred. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? ...
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Executive Sponsor in Outsourcing/Offshoring
Not as efficient as I had hoped
What do you like best? The idea. On paper, LK looks like a solution that someone who isn't an IT Project Manager could find helpful. What do you dislike? The reality is the tool is limiting. If you are working with any outside vendors (outside of your org), they cannot receive notifications/tasks without a license. Also, if you are a small company, LK does not want to do business with you. They make it very difficult (to contact, support, training, invoicing - the whole 9 yards). ...
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User in Computer Software
Leankit for a consultancy and production company
What do you like best? Easy visualization of the board and clear cards info What do you dislike? Bad interaction and noo native apps for desktop neither ipad What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? The fully company production status and the marketing requests
User in Internet
We find this useful for client web support team to report and manage new features.
What do you like best? Swim lanes for management, and subtasks for cards. What do you dislike? Creating a card requires too many clicks and context switching.. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Project management
Keith M
Leankit makes tasks easy to view and manage, you can link tickets and fully customize lanes/boards.
What do you like best? the best part of leankit is how easy and straightforward it is ti use. Anyone from marketing to account management can login and make tickets right away. What do you dislike? Leankit is tough to format comments to look how you want them. Recommendations to others considering the product: One of the main things to keep in mind with a ticketing service is how well your users will adopt and actually use the service. In many cases switching to a new ...
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User in Computer Software
not as good as trello
What do you like best? Multiple rows in each column. There is also a global search. What do you dislike? Not able to have for mobile. Sometimes has downtime. What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Managing developers time.
User in Internet
Useful Kanban style tool -- lacks some user and assignment management functionality
What do you like best? Easy to use, filter/highlight system, easy to customize. generally lightweight and intuitive What do you dislike? Parts of the tool are too manual. Ex. A card type cannot be automatically assigned to a user so if a request or ticket is entered via card someone must manually select the person to assign to the task. It is time consuming, there should be an option to default assign based on ticket type and board. This is just one example of where this tool ...
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Víctor L
What do you like best? La división por los grupos y subgrupos, y los filtros What do you dislike? Las subtareas no se pueden resolver como las What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? Tener bien organizadas mis tareas
Jason Z
Lean kit review
What do you like best? Visibility of work we have to do for our employees. What do you dislike? repetive tasks are not easily duplicated by the system What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized? we can allow our customers to see our work restrictions.