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Author-It - New SaaS Software

Author-It Reviews in January 2025: User Ratings, Pros & Cons

Effortless creation and management of high-quality content.


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Author-It Reviews & Ratings


Very Good

Based on 53 ratings & 32 reviews

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Very Good








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Anonymous User


4 out of 5

"Author-it is giving me a great help in document management"

What do you like best about Author-It? Author gives me great help in managing and speeding up the management of translations of my documents. In a few steps I have the complete documents ready to send. I found the advice that i read in the author community that I read often very useful. I would like to have a lighter author manual for entry level users.


Anonymous User


4 out of 5

"Complex, but incredibly powerful"

What do you like best about Author-It? AIT allowed us to grow from 1 help system and 20 paper manuals to multiple help systems (in a variety of flavors) and well over 100 paper manuals. Single-sourcing, reuse, variants, and release states allow us to work smarter, not harder, as we keep up with release updates.


Jody W


4 out of 5

"Great content management, could be better on the publishing side"

What do you like best about Author-It? Author-It is superior when it comes to managing large amounts of complex, single-sourced content. It easily handles variations to content, and the UI is intuitive. I know that whatever content-management challenges that come up, Author-It will handle them. The support I receive from the Service Desk is second-to-none. They get back to you quickly, and genuinely care about your question or issue.


Anonymous User


4 out of 5

"Great for Large & Complex Documentation Projects"

What do you like best about Author-It? The ability to reuse content is extremely helpful. Combined with the ability to use variants for specific situations, Author-It really helps us deal with the complexity that our projects throw at us.


Sandra F


4 out of 5

"Author-it: For the Organized Mind. Or the Mind that Would Be Organized."

What do you like best about Author-It? Author-it forces you to organize your content and to plan how smaller pieces of text and graphics will fit into the big picture. It's a database, and it relies heavily on templates. These things make it easy to apply global changes to style and formatting, and to maintain consistency among different authors.


Jacqueline L


3.5 out of 5

"Using Author-it for User Guides, APIs and Release Notes"

What do you like best about Author-It? Author-it allows you to create standardized title pages, copyright notices and other formatting. Once everything is set up (which can be a painful process), you're in great shape for creating your docs. Once your Word and FrameMaker docs are entered into Author-it you can re-use sections easily. Changing it in one place changes every version of the same piece of text everywhere. This can save a great deal of editing, cutting and pasting.


Anonymous User


3.5 out of 5

"Very good solution when it works"

What do you like best about Author-It? Ability to easily re-use topics and see in which books those topics have been used, localize into over 30 locales, publish directly into different formats. Company is responsive and does its best to solve our issues.


Anonymous User


3 out of 5

"Great staff who are always helpful, but with some points of frustration with stability."

What do you like best about Author-It? The workflow for writers is excellent. Having a CMS output to Word is, surprisingly, an advantage because most writers can adjust or create a Word Template. Working in Ant or other language to update document appearance can be far more challenging.


Anonymous User


2.5 out of 5

"Its an okay tool but gets really slow with bigger files"

What do you like best about Author-It? Creating topic alias and cross referencing What do you dislike about Author-It?


Antonio T


2.5 out of 5

" Need more improvements"

What do you like best about Author-It? The easy way for translation all the documents What do you dislike about Author-It?