Silverneedle Ventures, a venture capital firm with a focus on early-stage technology has announced the opening of a new fund worth Rs 100 crore. In the upcoming 18 months, the Hyderabad-based VC firm intends to invest in 30 firms.
The fund intends to participate in pre-Series A and Series A round with an emphasis on B2B SaaS, Deeptech, Sustainability, consumer internet, and direct to consumer (D2C).
The creative monetization platform Knorish received Silverneedle’s first investment from the new fund, the company added. The pre-Series A extension round of the Gurugram-based business includes the investment.
The money will be used by Knoris to increase its presence in other markets, hire more creators, and improve its technological skills.
The startup is targeting India’s 80 million creators and knowledge workers, who have the potential to eventually turn their talents into a creator business. According to the startup, it supports 38,000 academies developed by creators from 11 nations, having an influence on a million consumers in 45 countries.
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